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Friday, October 30, 2009

Hanya Sekedar Mengerjakan Tuntutan Tugas '"ICT"

Sedikit bercerita tentang tugas saya ini :

Pada tanggal 17 oktober 2009 saya dan tman-teman eskul DELPHI 62(ICT) d bri tgas mmbuat blog dan d sruh mngisinya degan identitas diri... hmm... mau ga mau harus di krjain dee...hhe

ini tugasnya aaa... :

Nama: Alditya Pratama Ramadhan
kelas: X-7
TTL: Cianjur, 16/02/1994
Umur: 15
Jenis Kelamin: Pria
Tanda Astrologi: Aquarius
Shio: Anjing
Pekerjaan: Pelajar
Hobbi: nolongin banyak orang slama saya bisa menolongnya.. =)

Thanks AA buat ngsih tugas ini.... hidup ICT.... =D

The Art of Senior High School Will be Start Again!!

After "ramadhan" holyday is over and school activity?, i think it'll be same like before busy,busy,busy..every day and every night. I ask : are you happy like that? I sure you will say "not t all,DAMN!!" haha...
If I can, I will do something to cancel it. If thas easy like ask to police, like this "sory, I want holyday's school will be extended sir"haha... and the police will say "ok it's easy, boy" RAWWRR...

But I think if you alone in home not doing activity, it's so bored guys..(like me)
Okay, this's about my activity at home?hah?{don't read this's not interesting}
yup, a long time I spent my time with do what I wanna do, first like(twitting with dochi on twitter) altought dochi very rare reply my massage, but I've dochi answered some my questions,altought five times.hahah(proudly).second I made a high quality image like(change my friend's face to being weired on adobe photoshop,and ssst... don' tell them about this, okay!) they face like momo monkey I can say.hahahaha..

This fact, in school I miss my class, cause that's my second home. And than I miss BOKIS'S coconut  juice. hahaha I love that,deliciussssss..back to school again very hard for me cause I've a lot of task that I've not completed, consequently I don't want the teachers gimme tasks again! 5 remedial was waiting me. This's a fact. But it's an art, I've to draw again from the scratch if I failed. goo adit goo! ;p